
Wing Coating

A single component aluminum pigmented high flexibility topcoat designed to provide maximum protection from aviation fuels and corrosion causing media for the in-spar area of aircraft wings. This product is compliant to the VOC requirements of SCAQMD Rule 1124.
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  • Technical Datasheet - 763-66-9200

Product Characteristics

Gloss Level 10 – 40 GU
Delivery Method Solventborne
Coverage 1 m² per liter ready to apply at 25 µm dry film thickness 40 – 45 ft² per US gallon ready to apply at 1 mil dry film thickness based on 50% transfer efficiency
Subsegment Aircraft Structures

OEM/Specifier & Specs Qualified

OEM/Specifier Specs Qualified
Boeing Long Beach DPM 5303
AkzoNobel Certification
Boeing BMS 10-100
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