Micas are fast becoming a favorite in creating a unique appearance on aircraft liveries. This repairable high solid formulation is world leader in the aerospace mica technology. Its flexible and adjustable dry-to-tape properties provide optimal processing behavior at various environmental conditions. AkzoNobel Aerospace Coatings offers four types of Aviox Advanced Micas: Aviox Advanced Mica - Coarse Effect. A single color mica coating with relative coarse special effect particles to obtain a distinct mica effect. Aviox Advanced Mica - Fine Effect. A single color mica coating with relative fine special effect particles to obtain a delicate mica effect. Aviox Advanced Mica - Interference Effect. A multi color mica coating that changes color when looked at from different angles. This effect coating is available in different sparkling effects. The Aviox Advanced Mica Series are part of the basecoat / mica / clearcoat system for exterior usage. The system consists of Aviox Finish 77702 - Aviox Advanced Mica Series - Aviox Clearcoat UVR. The Aviox Advanced Mica Series is a product part of the Aviox Advanced Series which utilizes the latest high solid technology and sets the standard for minimum process times and reduced process cycle costs